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Our activities

We identify and help overcome the economic, technical, institutional and political hurdles to climate action, facilitating systems change that empowers countries to set ambitious climate goals and effectively monitor their progress.

Implementation of ICAT guide on a climate finance transparency framework
Support to the ICAT regional climate action transparency hub in Central Asia
Moderation of the UNFCCC forum on MRV, GHG inventories and mitigation under the ETF
Analysis of the long-term strategies submitted to the UNFCCC
Analysis of EEA countries’ decarbonization pathways
Improvement of the UNFCCC on-line training courses on GHG inventories for expert reviewers
Quality review of updated National Determined Contributions submitted to the UNFCCC
Elaboration of EU projections
Test of tools and templates for reporting GHG inventories and BTR to the UNFCCC
Quality review and analysis of environmental taxes in EU and EFTA countries
Technical support to ICAT countries for the implementation of the ETF
Development of Spanish on-line courses on GHG inventories granted to developing countries by UNFCCC
Improvement of US EPA tools to build capacity on reporting under the ETF
Preparation of the NDC Decarbonization Support Tool for UNIDO
Capacity building to improve national energy systems for the implementation of the ETF in Zambia
Technical support for the design and operationalisation of a climate finance transparency framework in Morocco, Senegal and Ivory Coast
GHG emissions accounting, climate action plan and MRV system in industrial parks in Senegal
MRV for tracking the updated NDC, M&E for adaptation and a QA/QC manual for the GHG emission inventory of Ivory Coast
Supporting sustainable blue economy investment of South Africa, Namibia and Angola
Development of a national action plan, sectoral action and investment plan for the implementation of the updated NDC of Tunisia
Capacity building to improving national energy systems for the implementation of the ETF in Ghana
Capacity building and quality assurance of the national GHG emission inventory of South Africa, Nigeria, Angola, Senegal, Malawi, Zimbabwe, Sudan and Burkina Faso
Economic analysis of the impact of mitigation and adaptation measures for the updated NDC of Gabon
Integrated MRV system and Update of the nationally determined contribution of the Republic of Burundi
Capacity building for the design and implementation of an integrated MRV system in Benin
Capacity building and assessment of SLCP (short-lived climate pollutants) for the updated NDC in Liberia
Strengthening the national GHG inventory of the Republic of Mauritius to improve climate reporting and transparency
Capacity building on energy statistics analysis, modelling and energy planning in Botswana
Capacity building on energy statistics compilation and analysis, and their use for modelling and energy planning in Lesotho
Supporting sustainable blue economy investment in the current large marine ecosystem (BCLME IV) of Benguela, Angola
Development of institutional arrangements, GHG emissions modelling, formulation of a comprehensive climate change strategy, and elaboration and submission of the NDC for Libya
Design of an MRV framework and capacity building for industrial sector GHG emissions and mitigation actions in Sri Lanka
Design of a transparency system for mitigation policies and measures and quality assurance of the national GHG emission inventory of Armenia
Quality assurance of the updated NDC and the Long-Term Strategy of Kyrgyzstan
Development of a low carbon and resilient “green recovery” strategy for UNDP Syria
NDC financing strategy, climate budget labelling and investment plan, Long-term low-emission development strategy and climate finance tracking in Georgia
Development of standardized environmental indicators, design of monitoring and evaluation and capacity building in Timor-Leste
Quality assurance and training on the national inventory system and the GHG emission inventory and air pollutants inventory in Kazakhstan
Low-carbon long-term strategy, update of the NDC, GHG forecasting and impact assessment of mitigation policies and measures in Tajikistan.
Support for the long-term low-emission development strategy of Nepal.
Full project proposal for the development of the 4th NC, 4th BUR, first BTR and ETF for climate action and support measures in India
Technical assistance for improving air quality and raising public awareness in cities in Turkey
Cambodia’s first BUR, capacity building on MRV and development of the national GHG inventory and mitigation assessment in Cambodia
Capacity building and quality assurance of the national GHG emission inventory of Lebanon
Capacity building and quality assurance of the national GHG emission inventory of Vietnam
Design of a monitoring and evaluation framework for the national and sectorial adaptation plans of Armenia
Development of the GHG inventory for the first BUR of Fiji
Capacity building and QA of the national GHG emission inventory of Papua New Guinea
Technical support to Vanuatu for the implementation of the enhanced transparency framework
Quality review of the updated NDCs of Samoa & Vanuatu
Technical support to Tonga for the implementation of the enhanced transparency framework
Modelling climate change impacts on economic growth, sectors and consideration of distributional impacts in Maldives, Thailand, The Philippines, Vietnam, and Tonga for UNDP
Enhancing data collection, reporting, analysis and compliance of industrial GHG emissions. Revision of the industry NDC in Sri Lanka
The 2050 low-carbon and climate-resilient development strategy for 2050 of El Salvador
Capacity building and quality assurance of the national GHG inventory of Argentina, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, Panama and Uruguay
Update of the national environmental plan of El Salvador
Climate finance MRV, architecture and strategy of El Salvador
Elaboration of the third NC and national GHG inventory of El Salvador for the first BUR
Review and verification of Uruguay’s bond indexed to climate change indicators and improvement plan of Uruguay’s first NDC tracking system
Climate finance MRV and disaggregation tool of the national GHG inventory at the subnational level of Peru
National decarbonization and resilience strategy 2020-2050 of Honduras
Full project proposal “building the national transparency system of Ecuador”
Mitigation assessment for the third BUR of Colombia
Analysis of MRV GHG inventory systems in Europe and exchange of best practices on subnational coordination with Brazil
Technical support to increase the overall transparency capacities and capacity building on the links between the GHG inventory and redd+ in Chile
Assessment of the economic costs of climate change and technical support on modelling mitigation actions in Panama
Quality assurance of inventory management systems of GHG in Panama
External quality assurance process of the calculations for the GHG  inventory of the IPPU sector, for the Fifth National Communication and 1st BTR for Ecuador.
Capacity building on energy statistics and energy balances in Trinidad and Tobago
Capacity building on climate change mitigation and adaptation, NDC tracking, climate finance, impacts and vulnerabilities in Trinidad and Tobago
Elaboration of Guyana’s third NC, first BUR, projections and national GHG inventory in Guyana
MRV framework for energy sector GHG emissions and mitigation actions in Guyana
Implementation of a Climate finance transparency framework in Belize
Update of the national climate change policy, strategy and action plan and GHG mitigation assessment of Belize
Capacity building and design of the national transparency system and climate finance framework of The Bahamas
Developing procedures and increasing the capacity of the GCF NDA and update of GCF country programme of Dominica
Capacity building of the national observatory of environmental quality and vulnerability (ONQEV) professionals in Haiti
Capacity building and quality assurance of the national GHG inventory of Guyana and Dominican Republic
Capacity building to account, track and update the nationally determined contribution of Grenada
Finalise Guyana’s first BTR submission to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
Develop a Caribbean NAP and NDC Tracker platform for the CCCCC
Capacity building and QA of the updated NDC, the national inventory system and the GHG emission inventory of Albania
Evaluation and update of the impact assessment of existing federal climate PAMs and development of a methodology for monitoring the NECP 2021-2030 in Belgium
Elaboration of a Walloon plan on air pollutants emissions reductions to 2030 under the EU national emissions ceiling directive in Belgium
Assessment of Belgian policies and measures on climate change
Support and capacity building in compilation and reporting under the emission inventory and projections system in Spain
QA of the updated NDC and GHG emission projections for the update of the NDC in Montenegro
Analysis of the long-term strategy submitted to the UNFCCC of 26 European countries
Quality review of submitted updated NDCs of 6 European countries
Advice on climate finance traceability in the European Union
Analysis of member states environmental taxes and production of statistical briefs
Analysis of EU member states’ projections
Support for tracking the NDC, preparation of BTR and NDC update for Montenegro
Capacity Building on mitigation and adaptation under the ETF in Montenegro
Mobilising finance for NDC implementation in Montenegro
Analysis of the long-term strategy submitted to the UNFCCC of Canada, Mexico, and USA
Development of the US EPA tools to increase the capacity of developing countries to report information under the ETF
Technical advisor for the design, selection, and monitoring of high-impact climate change philanthropic projects in Canada
Capacity building for the elaboration of the BUR and QA of the national GHG emission inventory of Mexico
Coordination and review of the UNFCCC technical expert review of the GHG inventory of USA
Capacity building for the elaboration of the second BUR of Mexico
Preparation of the NDC Tracking chapter for Mexico’s 1st BTR submission
Strengthening INECC capacities for the development of the INEGYCEI for the 7th National Communication on Climate Change and the First BTR in Mexico
In-country contributions by area of expertise

We identify obstacles to propose optimal solutions including the most cost-effective and efficient actions and measures. We provide capacity building to plan and monitor short-, medium- and long-term strategies and policies for a transition to a decarbonized, resilient and inclusive future.

  • Ensuring transparency in climate action and support requires a continuous process of improvement, encompassing the collection, processing, analysis, compilation, reporting, and review of data. Establishing effective institutional arrangements is essential to achieving this transparency goal and the backbone of any transparency framework, facilitating countries in delivering a reliable, consistent, and continuous flow of data and information. These arrangements also support the engagement of national and subnational expertise, ensuring coordination between institutions and the generation of recurring, engaging, and progressively refined outputs. Institutional setups will naturally vary across nations, reflecting their distinct circumstances, action priorities, and the need to inform stakeholders involved in action implementation and reporting.
  • Gauss actively supports countries in analysing their institutional framework for climate action. This involves mapping stakeholders along with their existing capacities, procedures, and mandates and subsequently providing concrete recommendations and assistance in establishing or strengthening essential institutional, legal, and procedural reforms to align with policy objectives. This support is crucial for ensuring the sustainability of the system and the smooth flow of data and reporting in the countries Gauss assists.
  • Climate change mitigation refers to the collective efforts taken by governments, businesses, or individuals aimed at reducing or preventing the emission of greenhouse gases (GHGs) or enhancing carbon sinks that absorb them from the atmosphere. They are essential in safeguarding a biosphere capable of sustaining human civilization and the intricate array of ecosystem services it relies upon. Additionally, these efforts are crucial in striving to limit the increase in global average temperatures to 1.5°C under the Paris Agreement. It encompasses and requires a comprehensive approach that involves understanding current emissions, projecting future trajectories, exploring potential pathways for emission reductions, implementing effective policies and measures, and setting ambitious objectives to limit the impacts of climate change on both present and future generations.
  • Gauss has longstanding experience in the various crucial elements encompassed by climate change mitigation. This includes developing GHG inventories, both at the national and regional levels, and capacity building initiatives associated with GHG inventories, developing GHG emissions projections, designing and implementing monitoring, reporting, and verification (MRV) systems for both GHG inventories and mitigation efforts, evaluation and updating of policies and measures, establishing mitigation certification frameworks, and formulating comprehensive mitigation policies and strategies.
  • As the world is experiencing escalating shifts in temperature averages, seasonal variations, and an increasing frequency of extreme weather events and slow onset events, coupled with climate change impacts and risks becoming increasingly complex and more difficult to manage, the urgency of climate change adaptation is mounting. Climate change adaptation plays a crucial role in the long-term global response to combat climate change, safeguarding populations, livelihoods, and ecosystems alike. It is essential for countries and communities, particularly those most vulnerable to climate change, to take action to address present and future climate change impacts. By doing so, they can enhance their ability to adapt, build resilience, and reduce vulnerability associated with the impacts of climate change
  • Gauss provides technical assistance and capacity building to countries and organisations worldwide in addressing the complex challenge of climate change adaptation. This work includes various aspects such as conducting socio-economic and environmental impacts assessments, developing climate models, establishing monitoring and evaluation (M&E) frameworks for adaptation, as well as formulating adaptation policies, strategies, and action plans.
  • Sustainable finance plays a crucial role in achieving both local and national policy goals and international agreements to address climate change and promote sustainability. It involves directing both public and private funds towards initiatives that facilitate a climate-neutral, resilient, resource-efficient, and just transition. As the scale of investment required for this transition increases, the urgency for sustainable finance has never been greater. Ensuring transparency and predictability in financial support is essential for understanding current sustainable finance flows and anticipating future needs.
  • Gauss provides technical assistance and capacity building on sustainable finance in more than forty countries worldwide, spanning both developed and developing nations. This includes conducting financial assessments related to climate change, establishing climate finance transparency frameworks, devising climate finance tracking methodologies, developing resource mobilisation guidelines, formulating NDC investment plans and climate finance strategies, and undertaking costing exercises for both mitigation and adaptation measures.

Gauss España
Gauss International Consulting S.L.
Calle Santiago, 12. 28801, Alcalá de Henares, Madrid.
Tel.: +34 601 575 388

Gauss Canada
Gauss International Consulting Inc.
Suite 1400, 18 King Street East, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5H 1A1
Tel.: +1 437 233 1666

Gauss España
Gauss International Consulting S.L.
Calle Santiago, 12. 28801, Alcalá de Henares, Madrid.
Tel.: +34 601 575 388

Gauss Canada
Gauss International Consulting Inc.
Suite 1400, 18 King Street East, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5H 1A1
Tel. +.1 437 233 1666