Mitigation-Inventory Tool for Integrated Climate Action (MITICA)
The Mitigation-Inventory Tool for Integrated Climate Action (MITICA) is a tool designed to assist Parties to the Paris Agreement in developing greenhouse gas (GHG) emission scenarios based on their national GHG emission inventory.
MITICA empowers policymakers with more consistent emissions projections, facilitating the development of national mitigation targets, including those outlined in the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs).
MITICA utilizes the national GHG emission inventory in conjunction with economic proxies to establish a baseline emission scenario known as the Without Measures (WoM) Scenario. Building upon this baseline, users have the flexibility to define a set of Policies and Measures (PAMs) and incorporate them into the tool to create mitigation scenarios to assess GHG emission levels considering the impact of these PAMs. This approach enables the creation of With Existent Measures (WEM) and With Additional Measures (WAM) scenarios, facilitating reporting under the Paris Agreement. These scenarios play a crucial role in tracking the progress of NDCs and determining the level of ambition within them.
MITICA covers all inventory sectors outlined by the IPCC Guidelines, including Energy, Industrial Processes and Product Use (IPPU), Waste, and Agriculture, and Forestry and Land Use Change (AFOLU), providing and integral and comprehensive approach to obtain GHG emission scenarios.
In alignment with the Enhanced Transparency Framework of the Paris Agreement and its Modalities, Procedures, and Guidelines, MITICA adheres to the highest standards of transparency and accountability.
MITICA was presented by the UNFCCC and Gauss at the #COP28 in Dubai, together with the latest updates of the IPCC software.
How could I obtain MITICA?
MITICA will be made available by the UNFCCC Secretariat to UNFCCC focal points upon request. It will also be available to researchers. However, MITICA will not be shared for commercial purposes.
If you want to get the software, please fill in the following form: Application form – MITICA and send it to and
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Gauss International Consulting S.L.
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Tel.: +34 601 575 388
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Gauss International Consulting Inc.
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Tel. +.1 437 233 1666